Write a Letter to the Editor

You, yes you, should write an “LTE”

Writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper is an incredibly impactful way to advance Ranked Choice Voting. Do not be worried if you have never written one, or if you feel you have nothing new to say. Political power depends on many people speaking up together to demand change. 

Steps to a great letter

  1. Read the “Example Letters” section of this page, so you can be a part of the current conversation. 
  2. Select the newspaper you would like to submit to and learn their submission guidelines (e.g. word count, submission process, etc…).
  3. Aim to convey one or two messages in the “LTE Key Messages” section of this page.
  4. Write a letter that follows the three-part formula.
    1. The Hook. A personal, attention grabbing first sentence that conveys the gist of the letter.
    2. The Argument. One to three paragraphs that flesh out your argument and convey your perspective. Short, simple, and personal is best.
    3. The Call to Action. End with a clear call-to-action for one or two target audiences.
  5. If you would like feedback on what you have written, feel free to reach out to info@fairvotemn.org.
  6. Submit your letter via your newspaper’s submission process.
  7. Let us know what happens, whether or not your letter is published. We would love to echo your work through our channels.

Five Key Messages

The Spoiler Effect

Because of the third-party Spoiler Effect, our elections too often are won by unpopular candidates without majority support. Ranked Choice Voting allows voters to express support for third-party candidates while still assuring that the winner is authentically the most representative candidate.

Divisive Polarization

Divisiveness, deceitfulness and polarization are tearing  our communities apart and it needs to stop. We need Ranked Choice Voting because it elevates unifying, truthful, issue-focused leaders.

More Choice + More Voice

Ranked Choice Voting gives voters more choice and more voice: it allows more viable candidates on the ballot while still assuring the winner is the best representative of the community.

Unrepresentative Primaries

The candidates on our local election ballots are chosen at costly, low-turnout, low-diversity, primaries. Let’s use Ranked Choice Voting in the general elections so that we choose our leaders through one efficient, high-turnout, representative election.

It's Non-Partisan Reform

Ranked Choice Voting is non-partisan. RCV elections are won by the candidate that is most unifying, and most representative candidate of their district, whether that person is conservative or liberal.

Example letters

Sun Current: Ranked Choice Voting is a source of hope

Basha Salah in The Sun Current: It is a source of hope in a challenging year that the perspective expressed by the Sun Newspapers Editorial Board on Sept. 17 that “now is the time to make substantial progress toward racial equity,” has neared consensus status across...

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Sun Sailor: Ranked Choice Voting: A Reason For Hope

Fmr Republican Governor Arne Carlson and Fmr Republican US Senator Dave Durenberger in the The Sun Sailor: We have had years now of people seeking public office and promising to work across the aisle. We know it’s not true and we are in a state of permanent gridlock....

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Sun Current: Ranked-choice voting is not complicated

Chris Saffert in The Sun Current: Ranked-choice voting won’t fix everything with our elections, but it will give us more choice in how we vote and increase the likelihood that our city leaders are chosen by a majority of voters. That’s why it’s supported by a wide...

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New York Times: Election Problems, And Solutions

Alex Counts in The New York Times: Re “Presidentially, Two Parties Is Plenty” (column, Sept. 17): While I share many of Gail Collins’s views about policy and politics, and enjoy her columns, I cannot support her assertion that we would be better off without third...

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Wall Street Journal: The Logic of Counting Votes

Eugenia Cheng in The Wall Street Journal: Millions of votes have already been cast in next month’s presidential election, and a lot of attention is focused on making sure they are counted correctly. Once votes are counted, however, they have to be translated into...

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Guest Blog: Ranked Choice Voting is an improvement

Pat Meyer: Ranked-Choice Voting (RCV) is a better way of voting that will save Bloomington money. Today in Bloomington, a fraction of voters (5%-10%) eliminate candidates in the August primary (the primary costs $100,000), and that primary often provides us with...

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Guest Blog: Ranked Choice Voting allows more voices to be heard

Margaret M. Swanson: As I was putting up lawn signs in favor of Ranked-Choice Voting (RCV), I talked with a woman who wanted a sign. She said to me, “I want more dialogue in our community, not less. And I’ve told all my friends why I’m supporting RCV.” I thanked her...

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