For Immediate Release: Rally for Democracy at the Minnesota State Capitol with Gov. Walz and Congressional and State Legislative Reform Champions

Published on May 2, 2022
Contact: Erin Zamoff, FairVote Minnesota Director of Communications and Public Affairs, 952-334-8313 

Rally for Democracy at the Minnesota State Capitol with Gov. Walz and Congressional and State Legislative Reform Champions

St. Paul (May 2, 2022) — It is becoming clearer every day that we must take action to strengthen our fragile democracy. FairVote Minnesota (“FVMN”), the leading advocate for Ranked Choice Voting in the state, today announced a Rally for Democracy at the Minnesota State Capitol Rotunda on Wednesday, May 4 at 2pm CT with fellow democracy reform organizations, including Clean Elections MN, More Equitable Democracy, Common Cause MN, American Promise, RepresentUs MN, Move To Amend, and Collective of Organizers for Reformed Elections (CORE). 

We are joining together with voters and state leaders to push back against efforts to take our democracy backwards and demand action to strengthen it – by protecting and expanding voting rights and passing proven and powerful reforms like Ranked Choice Voting, fair redistricting, campaign finance, and other measures that will help us live up to the promises of our Constitution. Governor Tim Walz will provide opening remarks. Congressman Dean Phillips will speak to reforms on the federal level. Stephen Vitvitsky of Stand with Ukraine MN will underscore the dangers of authoritarianism and the importance of the worldwide fight for democracy. 

Pro-democracy legislative leaders and Congresswoman Ilhan Omar will speak to the urgency of these reforms. All participants will have an opportunity to sign a joint Petition to Strengthen and Protect our Democracy.

Authoritarian, anti-democratic forces that attacked our nation’s Capitol on January 6th are continuing to threaten our democracy by spreading misinformation, questioning election outcomes and limiting voting rights, particularly for voters of color. Yet no reforms have passed to strengthen our democracy and mitigate this extremism. Our democracy is at a crossroads – the time to protect and strengthen our democracy is now. 

“There are proven, viable and powerful reforms, like Ranked Choice Voting, campaign finance reform, and fair redistricting that will help fortify our system against extremism and give power to the voters – where it belongs,” said FairVote Minnesota Executive Director Jeanne Massey. 

“Urgent action is needed to protect our democracy,” said Rep. Phillips. “Attacks on our nation’s Capitol, voter suppression, and dangerous lies about the last election threaten the democratic values we all share. We must make the health of our democracy a top priority and pass reforms on the state and federal level that strengthen our system and return power to the people.” 

“Not only must we protect the most fundamental of rights, the right to vote,” declared State Sen. Melisa Franzen, “we must do everything we can to open up the political process to those historically excluded so that we have the fully representative, multiracial democracy that lives up to the promises of our Constitution.”

Democracy reform must be the number one priority of elected officials at all levels of government. 

Media are welcome and should contact with questions or for background.  


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