A simple reform that can save our democracy

Published on April 17, 2023

Politics are so heated today. We are at a crisis point in our democracy as it has rapidly become so divided. How do we make sure all of our voices are heard without dividing us? Ranked Choice Voting is a simple change to the ballot that empowers voters to rank candidates in order of preference and ensures candidates earn majority support to win. It gives voters greater voice, choice and power and fosters more civil campaigns and a more representative and responsive government.

Erin Zamoff is Director of Communications and Public Affairs for FairVote Minnesota, a nonprofit that advocates for election reform. Prior to joining FairVote, Erin led the Minnesota Chapter of Moms Demand Action, the largest gun violence prevention organization in the country, serving as principal spokesperson and media contact, coordinating legislative strategy, and organizing rallies and other large advocacy events. Her experiences navigating a polarized political landscape fueled her desire to repair partisan divisions and improve access to voting and accountability through elections – outcomes made possible by Ranked Choice Voting.

Originally published in the Tedx Series
Published on April 17, 2023

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