It’s caucus time, and you can help advance ranked choice voting in our state by helping educate caucus goers about RCV, submitting an RCV resolution, and working to endorse pro-RCV candidates!

What: Party caucuses to endorse candidates for state house and set party platform

When: February 27 at 7:00 PM

Where: Find your caucus site for the DFL, GOP & Legal Marijuana Now Parties HERE.

Ranked choice voting empowers voters to rank candidates in order of preference and ensures candidates earn majority support to win. It incentivizes positive campaigning and civility, reduces political divisions, promotes more inclusive and representative elections, and eliminates the spoiler problem once and for all.

The 2023 municipal elections in Minnesota once again demonstrated the success of ranked choice voting.


All five RCV cities had historic turnout in 2023 compared to comparable elections, including more than DOUBLE 2019 TURNOUT in Minnetonka.


76% of MINNEAPOLIS VOTERS said they wanted to keep using RCV, and 69% said they wanted to use it in statewide elections.


Of the 34 candidates elected using RCV in 2023, 31 were women (including all-female city councils in Saint Paul and Minnetonka) and 18 were people of color.

Many communities in Minnesota would like to try ranked choice voting, but are unable to do so. Under current law, only charter cities with odd-year elections — less than one percent of local jurisdictions in Minnesota — are able to adopt ranked choice voting; all other local jurisdictions must seek special permission from the legislature. This year, FairVote Minnesota and our thousands of RCV advocates are working to pass an RCV Local Options bill which would give more local jurisdictions the ability to adopt RCV for their elections if they so choose. 

In order to pass the RCV Local Options bill and continue to expand RCV in Minnesota, we need to elect pro-RCV candidates to the legislature and encourage political parties to add RCV to their party platform. Our opportunity to elect pro-RCV democracy champions in November starts at caucuses on Feb. 27. 


Caucus Details:

Caucuses are the first step in helping to elect pro-RCV candidates. This year, all state House representatives are up for election, and we need to continue to work for a pro-RCV majority. 

DFL Caucuses: If you’re caucusing with the DFL, you can find information about the caucus process HERE.

GOP Caucuses: If you’re caucusing with the GOP,  you can find information about the caucus process HERE.

Independent and other minor parties: If you are a member of an independent or other minor party, contact them directly about their caucus process. You can find contact information on the Secretary of State’s website.

At caucuses, you’ll be able to: 

  • Submit a resolution in favor of ranked choice voting. 
    • While the DFL has RCV as part of its ongoing party platform, we want to ensure the RCV local option, allowing all localities the ability to adopt RCV, is included as a DFL action agenda item. You can download a draft resolution HERE.
    • If you’re caucusing with the GOP or another party that does not have RCV in its party platform, you can download that draft resolution HERE. 
  • Sign up to become a delegate to your senate district convention this spring, and from there, you can vie to become a delegate to the state convention in June. This is a very important step. We need RCV advocates to continue all the way through the process and make RCV a priority issue this election session! 
  • Find out the position of your state house district candidates on ranked choice voting and let them know that RCV is an important issue for you.
  • Support pro-RCV candidates in the endorsement process.

Don’t worry if you’ve never caucused before. We’ll be sure you have everything you need and are ready to go! Contact us at if you have any questions. 

Thank you for engaging in this very important step to help advance RCV in Minnesota!