2020 Election Guide
The election is underway!
Early voting is underway Minnesota! If we’re going to elect leaders who will fight for democracy reform and Ranked Choice Voting at the Capitol, we need to make sure that we all vote. Doing so has never been more important. Depending on where you live, there are competitive races for Congressional, legislative, county, city council, and school board. Find out what’s on your ballot here.
Plan where, when, and how you will vote.
Register to Vote
Make sure you are registered to vote but remember that you can always register on election day.
Vote Early
You may Vote Early by Mail or In Person
Vote Early by Mail
- All Minnesota voters are eligible to vote by mail; no excuse is required.
- Apply to have an absentee ballot mailed to you.
- Mail the ballot and forms back right away after you finish. Your returned ballot must be postmarked on or before Election Day (November 3, 2020) and received by your county within the next seven calendar days (November 10).
- Check the status of your absentee ballot to learn when it is mailed to you, when it has been received by the Elections Office, and when it has been counted.
- If you have questions about what happens to your Mailed-In Ballot after you post it, read the Star Tribune’s What happens to your Minnesota absentee ballot after you mail it?
Vote Early in Person
- You can vote early with an absentee ballot at your local elections office from Friday, September 18 to Monday, November 2.
Vote on November 3
Voting on November 3 takes place in person at your local polling location.
Find your November 2020 General Election voting location here. Note that some polling locations may have changed due to COVID-19 and the need for physical distance.
Pro-RCV candidates on 2020 ballots
Thanks to all the advocacy and outreach you’ve done, there are many candidates running for the legislature who support Ranked Choice Voting and will make it a priority if they are elected.
Nearly all legislative candidates listed support:
- Ranked Choice Voting for statewide elections.
- A “Local Option Bill” to allow all Minnesota local jurisdictions to use Ranked Choice Voting in their local elections if they wish.
Those whose support is limited to the latter are noted with “Supperter of Minnesota Local Options Bill“. If you are a candidate and would like to have your name added to this list, please contact us at info@fairvotemn.org.
United States Senate Candidates from Minnesota
Senator Tina Smith
“We need to look at new ways to make the machinery of our democracy work better, and especially better for people of color… I have seen first hand the benefits of Ranked Choice Voting, and I have been a strong supporter of the rights of states and local governments to choose Ranked Choice Voting to elect their representatives.
United States House of Representatives Candidates from Minnesota
District 1 – Dan Feehan
District 2 – Rep. Angie Craig
District 3 – Rep. Dean Phillips
“Ranked Choice Voting has been tested across the country and Maine just sent their first member to Congress using this system. It’s time we start investing in and expanding Ranked Choice Voting. It’s simple, empowers voters, and rewards candidates who broaden support beyond their base.”
District 5 – Rep. Ilhan Omar
“At a time when we are facing an open assault on our democracy and right to vote, Ranked Choice Voting offers a simple, sensible and proven way to expand it. I’m proud to stand on the front lines to make sure everyone has their voice heard in Minnesota. We need to show the rest of the country the way to a healthier and more inclusive democracy.”
Minnesota Senate Candidates
District 1 – Reed Perkins
“People should be able to vote with their hopes and not their fears. Ranked Choice Voting allows people to do that and we should implement it immediately.”
District 4 – Kent Eken
District 7 – Jen McEwen
“I support RCV for a variety of reasons. Most importantly, it promotes electing officials who truly have the broadest base of support, while at the same time freeing voters up to vote their conscience as their first choice. Strategic voting over time, at the expense of our ideals, is a race to the bottom. RCV allows the true will of voters to come through much more effectively than in a plurality system. RCV also reduces negative campaigning, and increases participation. It’s a win for democracy and community, and a win for voters.”
District 8 – Michele Anderson
District 11 – Michelle Lee
“I support any effort that will increase voter participation, reduce negative campaigning and provide diversity among those who represent us. RCV is an important part of the equation.”
District 12 – Jill Abahsain
“Ranked Choice Voting will produce a truer, clearer majority vote. And our political system needs clarity now more than ever.”
District 14 – Aric Putnam
District 16 – Joshua Prine
District 17 – Fernando Alvarado
District 20 – Jon Olson
“I advocate for a deep look at how we run elections in Minnesota. My goal is to create a truly fair process that embraces all Minnesotans, giving them a voice in our government through elections. We should look closely at adopting all manner of campaign finance and electoral reform, and that includes Ranked Choice Voting.”
District 21 – Ralph Kaehler
“RCV is a great way to keep the value of each vote at the highest level and it encourages a better campaigning that will help to renew the focus on the positives.”
District 22 – Shawna Marshall
“Ranked Choice voting captures the essence of modern democracy because through it, all voices are equal.”
District 22 – Brian Abrahamson
District 25 – Sara Flick
“Anything that makes our democratic process more indicative of the voices of all people I’m all for. Another reason I like RCV, is that the moment that we are in with our political discourse is so divisive, and RCV forces candidates to be more substantive in their debate. It forces them to not talk about each other, but to talk with voters and to be more representative of the people. What I love about RCV that if you are someone’s second choice, it matters. If I’m fortunate to be sent off to the capital – it’s one thing that I will champion.”
District 26 – Aleta Borrud
“We need courage to meet the challenges we face in this country, whether it is climate change or the crushing inequities of opportunity. Our current system leads many to vote their fears. I believe that RCV frees us up to vote our hopes and dreams, to vote for the world we want to see.”
District 28 – Sara Kruger
District 29 – Chris Brazelton
District 33 – Gretchen Piper
“I support democratic reforms such as rank-choice voting to help combat partisan extremism. We need to allow voters’ preferences to be accurately reflected in our election outcomes.”
District 34 – Bonnie Westlin
District 38 – Justin Stofferahn
District 39 – Josiah Hill
District 40 – Chris Eaton
Supporter of the Minnesota Local Options Bill
District 41 – Mary Kunesh-Podein
District 42 – Jason Isaacson
District 43 – Chuck Wiger
“RCV further empowers people and strengthens our democracy.”
District 44 – Ann Johnson Stewart
“Ranked Choice Voting is good for all of us; we should work to make it a reality in Minnesota at all levels of elections.”
District 45 – Ann Rest
District 46 – Ron Latz
Supporter of the Minnesota Local Options Bill
District 47 – Addie Miller
“Local government units deserve the right to decide if RCV is right for them. I support enacting laws that make it easier for elections to be held by RCV if the voters so choose.”
District 48 – Steve Cwodzinski
“Yes, I believe RCV would add a little dose of civility to our campaigns, making mudslinging and name-calling and general negativity a thing of the past.”
District 49 – Melisa Franzen
District 50 – Melissa Wiklund
Supporter of the Minnesota Local Options Bill
District 51 – Jim Carlson
District 53 – Susan Kent
District 54 – Karla Bingham
Supporter of the Minnesota Local Options Bill
District 55 – Sahra Odawa
“Ranked-choice voting promotes efficiency and provides a diverse perspective of voters who have the ability to vote and to be able to rank candidates in order of choice.”
District 56 – Lindsey Port
“I love RCV because it helps foster the same values that I live by in creating more space for candidates in underrepresented communities to run and win. People can take a chance and vote their heart on their first choice, knowing their vote won’t be split among like-minded candidates.”
District 57 – Greg Clausen
“RCV certifies that the winning candidate has broad majority support of the voters, eliminates primaries, and provides greater options for voters.”
District 60 – Kari Dziedzic
District 61 – Scott Dibble
“Ranked Choice Voting allows voters to vote for candidates that most closely match their values, allows for a more robust exchange of policy ideas, gives candidates an incentive to present a positive campaign, and gives the prevailing candidate a lot more information about their electoral mandate.”
District 62 – Omar Fateh
“Ranked Choice Voting gives more power to the people and makes the political process more democratic. More and more Minnesotans are seeing the opportunity that RCV offers to make our democracy much more robust and functional for delivering on the change we want to see!”
District 63 – Patricia Torres Ray
“Ranked Choice Voting expands opportunities for people in our electoral system. I support Ranked Choice Voting because it allows greater access to elections for people who are typically underrepresented, increasing diversity in our politics. It also gives greater voice to the people in voting, decreasing political divisiveness and polarization. I will continue to be an advocate for ranked choice voting and other pieces of legislation that allow the voices of all Minnesotans to be heard.”
District 64 – Erin Murphy
District 65 – Sandra Pappas
District 66 – John Marty
Minnesota House of Representatives Candidates
District 1A – Connie Lindstrom
District 2A – Jeremiah Liend
“RCV is a core plank of our campaign platform, intended as a means of fostering greater participation, diversity, and options within our political system. “
District 4A – Heather Keeler
“I believe it’s extremely important for our community members to have the opportunity to vote in the most efficient and effective way possible. Ranked Choice Voting provides one time voting to determine an outcome based on majority support and promotes a more reflective representation of the entire voting population. I am in full support of RCV.”
District 5A – John Persell
District 7B – Liz Olson
District 13B – Benjamin Carollo
“Plain and simple, Ranked Choice Voting would make our democracy far more democratic.”
District 14A – Tami Calhoun
District 14B – Dan Wolgamott
“I am proud to support RCV!”
District 16A – Doria Drost
“Ranked choice voting helps keep our election system focused on what it was created for: a fair and just democracy. This is why I fully support RCV as a candidate and will work towards expanding RCV options if elected.”
District 16B – Mindy Kimmel
District 17B – Logan Kortgard
District 18B – Ashley Latzke
District 20A – Erina Prom
“Ranked Choice Voting enables voters the freedom to vote their conscience.”
District 20B – Todd Lippert
“Ranked-choice voting allows candidates with the broadest support to emerge as the elected candidates and this is good for our democracy.”
District 21A – Matt Bruns
“Our democracy works when the people are empowered. The implementation of Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) amplifies their voice and forces politicians to meet the needs of all those they will be elected to serve.”
District 22A – Chris Baumberger
“RCV would allow us to have an eventual winner with support of over half of voters. It’s time for RCV.”
District 23B – Leroy McClelland
“I am in support of any program or legislation that helps strengthen our democracy.”
District 25A – Kim Hicks
“Ranked Choice Voting helps ensure every vote counts.”
District 25B – Liz Boldon
“I support RCV because it puts more power in the hands of voters; it grows our democracy, ensures no votes are wasted and expands representation for underrepresented communities. The candidates with the most broad support are those who should win elections; and RCV tends to increase voter turnout, which is always a good thing.”
District 26A – Tina Liebling
Supporter of the Minnesota Local Options Bill
District 26B – Randy Brock
“I support all voters having a voice for the candidates they prefer. Ranked Choice Voting is a great way to ensure those voters are heard on election day.”
District 27A – Thomas Martinez
“Ranked Choice Voting gives the voter the most discretion over how their vote is cast.”
District 28B – Jordan Fontanello
“In combination with removal of the Electoral College, implementing a Ranked Choice Voting system that ensures a Condorcet winner emerges will provide several advantages: Removal of the spoiler effect; allow voters to vote honestly; remove any need for primaries; make the overall election more fair and less prone to attack/negative campaigning; gives a larger voter turnout; and votes are happier with the overall system.”
District 29A – Renee Carderelle
“I believe that ranked-choice voting is an excellent tool for democracy. It allows individuals the opportunity to vote their conscience while ensuring their vote counts towards what matters to them. Too often we feel we have to vote for the lesser of two evils, which steals from us the opportunity to vote for someone who reflects our beliefs. Ranked-choice voting breaks down the dynamics of the two party system and allows us to engage in the political system in a more comprehensive and authentic manner.”
District 32A – Renae Berg
“I support ranked-choice voting to eliminate primaries and ensures the winner of an election actually has the majority of support.”
District 33A – Caitlin Cahill
District 33B – Kelly Morrison
“RCV builds consensus. In these divided times, we have to remember that we have much more in common than we don’t. RCV ensures that candidates for office campaign and then govern in way that represents the majority.”
District 34A – Brian Raines
“Ranked Choice Voting just makes sense for Minnesota!”
District 34B – Kristin Bahner
“Local options provide communities with a way to find more equitable and balanced outcomes and preserve the intent of voters.”
District 36A – Zach Stephenson
District 36B – Melissa Hortman
Supporter of the Minnesota Local Options Bill
District 37A – Erin Koegel
Supporter of the Minnesota Local Options Bill
District 38B – Ami Wazlawik
District 39A – Ann Mozey
“Ranked-choice voting would eliminate the need for the electoral college if implemented nationally. How many times do we want to elect the losing candidate before we are willing to make this necessary change?”
District 39B – Shelly Christensen
District 40B – Samantha Vang
District 41A – Connie Bernardy
“It is important we elect leaders who the majority of voters want to represent them.”
District 41B – Sandra Feist
“I support RCV as an inclusive and thoughtful method for elections. The potential benefits include greater engagement between candidates and voters, a less polarized and more civil debate, and a more representative system of voting that allows a greater number of voices to be reflected in the result. I support efforts for greater engagement with and trust in our democratic institutions.”
District 42A – Kelly Moller
District 42B – Jamie Becker-Finn
District 43A – Peter Fisher
“I feel Ranked Choice Voting would help take the negativity out of our elections.”
District 43B – Leon Lillie
Supporter of the Minnesota Local Options Bill
District 44A – Ginny Klevorn
District 44B – Patty Acomb
Supporter of the Minnesota Local Options Bill
District 45A – Cedrick Frazier
District 45B – Mike Freiberg
“I support RCV!”
District 46B – Ryan Winkler
District 46B – Cheryl Youakim
Supporter of the Minnesota Local Options Bill
District 47B – Daniel Kessler
“Everyone’s vote should count!”
District 48A – Laurie Pryor
Supporter of the Minnesota Local Options Bill
District 49A – Heather Edelson
District 49B – Steve Elkins
“Ranked Choice Voting is one of the most important reforms that we could enact to engage new voters to become active in the election process.”
District 50A – Michael Howard
District 50B – Andrew Carlson
“Ranked Choice Voting is a more democratic process. Do we really want our elected leaders to be decided by 5% turnout primaries? RCV ensures more people decide who their elected leaders are.”
District 51A – Sandra Masin
District 51B – Liz Reyer
“I would like to see Ranked Choice Voting adopted in all elections, at every level. This is the voting system that is the fairest to all candidates and voters. The outcome is more reflective of true democracy, ensuring that our leaders actually have the support of a majority of their constituents.”
District 52B – Ruth Richardson
District 53A – Tou Xiong
District 53B – Steve Sandell
“Worried or confused by Ranked Choice Voting? It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3 — first choice, second choice, third choice. Do you like two or three candidates, but one just a little better than the others? RCV lets you say so and respects your opinion. Want to vote for only one candidate? That’s fine, too. Let’s give it a try.”
District 54A – Anne Claflin
District 54B – Kelsey Waits
“I support Ranked Choice Voting because it gives voters the ability to vote their conscience rather than making strategic decisions because they feel that their vote won’t matter. RCV also discourages negative campaigning and ensures election outcomes are more representative of the majority of voters. I would love to be a champion of this issue in St. Paul.”
District 55A – Brad Tabke
District 55B – Andrea Nelson
“I support RCV because it encourages voter participation and makes our elections more valid and fair.”
District 56A – Jess Hanson
District 56B – Kaela Berg
“Voting is the very foundation of our democracy and one way that our voices are truly heard. RCV ensures that our votes are representative of the whole of our choices and is the best defense against the various entities committed to silencing us.”
District 57A – Robert Bierman
District 57B – John Huot
District 58A – Erin Preese
“I support Ranked Choice Voting as a way to make our elections more fair and to promote bipartisan solutions that appeal to a broader range of voters.”
District 59B – Esther Agbaje
“Ranked Choice Voting is a great method to ensure that the full voice of the total voting population is heard. Voters don’t have to select only one candidate, but can rank candidates based on their varied preferences of who should govern.”
District 60A – Sydney Jordan
“Minnesota’s strong support of voting rights and its civic culture has produced one of the consistently highest voter turnout rates in the nation. But we can do better. I was happy to be a co-author of the Ranked-choice voting bill in the House in 2020 and would support similar measures.”
District 60B – Mohamud Noor
District 61A – Frank Hornstein
District 61B – Jamie Long
District 62A – Hodan Hassan
“MPLS and STP used a ranked-choice system to good effect in 2017. I support RCV and would like to see more municipalities have the resources and ability to implement as they see fit. Civil campaigning as a result of RCV means a more civil dialogue around the issues that matter most.”
District 62B – Aisha Gomez
District 63A – Jim Davnie
District 63B – Emma Greenman
District 64A – Kaohly Her
District 64B – Dave Pinto
District 65A – Rena Moran
Supporter of the Minnesota Local Options Bill
District 65B – Carlos Mariani
District 66A – Alice Hausman
Supporter of the Minnesota Local Options Bill
“I support Ranked Choice voting as a valuable way to allow more choice for voters. It is beginning to be more clearly understood, but I am still hoping we will provide more education for voters.”
District 66B – Athena Hollins
“I believe in Ranked Choice Voting because it makes each person’s choice more meaningful, and it better engages all voters by ensuring that voters who want to vote for more long-shot candidates, not feel disenfranchised by the system.”
District 67A – John Thompson
“I am a supporter of ranked-choice voting, and we’re super glad to see RCV be used for the conventions.”
District 67B – Jay Xiong